Fintan Buckley

Fintan Buckley


Fintan has 25+ years of experience in various Senior Technical, VP & Senior Managerial roles in Software & Hardware.

  • VP Engineering Scenario Inc, a US based technology design construction company. Guided the development of the key technology and was instrumental in the trade sale in 2014.
  • Senior Engineering Director with Trintech Technologies during the credit card “Chip and Pin” roll out in the UK and Ireland.
  • One of the founding employees in Parthus Technologies acting in a variety of Senior Technical and Senior Mgt roles contributing to the successful floatation on the NASDAQ and LSE.
  • BA (Mod) Computer Science from TCD.
John Bourke

John Bourke


John has 25+ years of experience in Senior Finance roles, Start Ups, Funding, Scaling and Trade Sales.

  • Co-Founder & CFO of Movidius sold to Intel in 2016.
  • Co-Founder & CFO of Glonav Inc. sold to NXP / ST Semiconductors in 2008.
  • Senior VP Finance at NASDAQ listed Parthus /CEVA Inc.
  • E&Y Director In Corporate Finance & Audit in Dublin & Philadelphia.
  • Stanford University Grad School of Business (US).
  • Fellow Chartered Accountant (Irl).
  • Bachelor Acc & Finance (DCU).


Dr. Aubrey Dunne

Dr. Aubrey Dunne


Aubrey has 10+ years experience in technology-driven engineering design consultancy with Jaliko, consulting to Movidius, Intel and the European Space Agency.

  • Expertise in the fields of image processing, computer & machine vision, and embedded design.
  • Hardware Design Team Lead on H2020 ‘Eyes of Things’ visual IoT project within Movidius.
  • Ph.D. in Computer Vision (DCU).
  • M.Eng. in Electronic Systems (DCU).
  • B.Eng. in Mechatronic Engineering (DCU).
Sean Mitchell

Sean Mitchell


Sean has 25+ years of experience in C Level and senior executive management, marketing and technical roles in designing imaging, graphics & DSP processors, AI & CV.

  • Senior Director of SW Engineering with Intel, Ireland.
  • Co-Founder of Movidius and CEO, COO. Movidius sold to Intel in 2016.
  • VP Software Engineering, Silansys Technologies, sold to Frontier Silicon.
  • VP Engineering, Parthus Technologies which went public on NASDAQ and LSE.
  • Bachelors and Masters of Electronic Engineering, Trinity College, Dublin.
  • Masters in Management Practice, Trinity College Dublin; Irish Management Institute.
  • Diploma in New Business Management.
  • Diploma in International Sales Management.



David has 25+ years of experience in CTO and senior executive management and technical roles in systems, software and processor design.Intel Ireland – Director of Machine Vision R&D.

  • Movidius Ltd – CTO & Co-Founder which sold to Intel in 2016.
  • Parthus Technologies Ltd (NASDAQ & LSE) – CTO & Wireless Business Unit founder.
  • STMicroelectronics, Castelletto (MI), Italy – Co-founder of Hard-Disk Drive Read Channel business.
  • Siemens Halbleiter AG (Infineon), Munich, Germany – Senior CMOS SoC design engineer.
  • Holder of numerous patents, conference and journal papers.
  • Co author of multiple €M’s grant funded project proposals including FP7 PEPPHER & EXCESS, H2020 Eyes of Things and Bonseyes (rated #1 in 2016 ICT call).
  • PhD Engineering, Trinity College Dublin.
  • Bachelors and in Electronic Engineering, Dublin City University (DCU).



Brian has 20+ years of experience in Senior Management roles at Intel Corp.

  • Managing Director – Second Edge Technology Solutions.
  • Intel Labs Europe – Managing Director.
  • Has acted as policy advisor to European Commission and served as an ‘expert’ reviewer, evaluator and advisor to the European Commission and Irish National Government (& agencies).
  • Track record in delivering various technology ‘research to product’ company strategies.
  • Member of Intel Ireland’s site leadership team, leading specific strategic initiatives for the site.
  • Post-graduate Diplomas in Accounting and Finance from ACCA, and in Innovation Management from the National University of Ireland.
  • Bachelors degree in Computer Science & Business – Dublin City University (DCU).



John has over 30+ years of experience in various Senior Technical and Management roles in Hardware and Systems Organisations

  • SVP of Development, Icomera, a leader in the delivery of connectivity solutions for public transport organisations.
  • Chief Executive Officer, Ircona, a design consultancy specialising in data centre server design.
  • Head of Platform Development, Stratus, a world leader in Hardware Fault Tolerant Computing.
  • Europe lead, AMP Circuits & Design, delivering signal analysis for telecoms infrastructure.