Technical Advisors

Prof. Oscar Deniz Suarez (UCLM Spain)

Prof. Oscar Deniz Suarez (UCLM Spain)


Oscar’s research interests are mainly focused on computer vision and pattern recognition. He holds a Computer Degree (MsC) and a PhD in Computer Vision (2006) from Universidad de Las Palmas de Gran Canaria.

  • Author of more than 50 refereed papers in journals and conferences.
  • Visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (USA), Imperial College London (UK) and Leica Biosystems (Ireland).
  • Currently, Associate Professor at UCLM and contributes to VISILAB.
  • Senior Member of the IEEE and is affiliated with the AAAI, SIANI, CEA-IFAC, AEPIA, AERFAI-IAPR and The Computer Vision Foundation.
  • Serves as an Academic Editor of Journal PLoS ONE.
  • Coordinator of European H2020 Project “Eyes of Things” and Partner in European H2020 Project BONSEYES.
  • Reviewer/Technical Expert for EU programs and Advisory Board Member of H2020 project TULIPP.
Prof. Maria Gloria Garcia (UCLM Spain)

Prof. Maria Gloria Garcia (UCLM Spain)


Gloria is Associate Professor at the Engineering School of University of Castilla-La Mancha. She holds a PhD in Machine Vision from Coventry University, UK (1998) and a Physics Degree (1993) from UCM, Madrid.

  • Principal researcher in several research centers such as CNRS, Louis Pasteur Univ. Strasbourg (France), Gilbert Gilkes & Gordon Technology (UK) and CEIT San Sebastian (Spain).
  • Author of 2 patents, 4 registered software papers and more than 80 refereed papers.
  • Served as visiting researcher at Carnegie Mellon University (USA) and Leica Biosystems (Ireland).
  • Member of the IEEE and is affiliated with several societies such as ESDIP, CEA-IFAC, SEMF and SEIB.
  • Principal researcher of different national and international projects focused on artificial intelligence and image processing.
  • Coordinator of the European AIDPATH project entitled ‘Academia and Industry Collaboration for Digital Pathology’.
Dr. Alessandra Menicucci (Delft University of Technology)

Dr. Alessandra Menicucci (Delft University of Technology)


Alessandra is a tenured Assistant Professor in the Space System Engineering chair of the Delft University of Technology. She holds a PhD in Physics (2004) from the University of Rome Tor Vergata and a Laurea in experimental physics from University of Rome La Sapienza (2000).

  • Dr. Menicucci research interests are focused in the development of miniaturized radiation sensors which can be distributed on-board of micro-satellites and on the radiation tolerance assurance of COTS components.
  • From 2006 to 2015 she worked at the European Space Agency in the space environment and effects section where she was leading several radiation monitor developments. She was also supporting most of the ESA missions under development at that time for what concerns space environment and effects analysis.
  • She is the project manager of the Delfi Space Program which aims to realize education and research by the end-to-end engineering of space missions of high relevance and impact using very small satellites. Previous missions were the Cubesats Delfi-C3 (2008) and Delfi-n3xt (2013) and the picosatellite Delfi-PQ to be launched in early 2022.
  • Dr. Menicucci is author of more than 40 refereed papers in journals and conferences and she supervises several Msc and PhD students.
  • She is co-investigator of different national and international projects in the field of radiation hardness assurance of miniaturized systems.
  • She is member of the Advisory Board of the Aerospace Systems division of the Royal Netherlands Aerospace Centre (NLR), one of the major aerospace research organizations in the Netherlands.
  • She is member of the evaluation committees for several national and international research grant applications.
Tony McDonald – Space Industry Advisor

Tony McDonald – Space Industry Advisor


While at Enterprise Ireland, Tony was the Irish National ESA Delegation, responsible for coordinating Ireland’s industrial participation in European Space Agency Programmes. He was part of the ESA Council, Joint Communications Board (JCB), Navigation Programme Board (PB-NAV) and Industrial Policy Committee (IPC). In addition, Tony was Chair of the ESA industrial Policy Expert Group and Deputy Head of the ESA Delegation.

  • Now retired from Enterprise Ireland, Tony joins the Ubotica Technical Advisory Board, to provide strategic advice to the CEO and the executive team, especially with regards to facilitating access to the space community.
  • Tony commented on his appointment: “Ubotica is an innovative technology startup providing smarts for smart satellites which I believe has huge growth potential with its products and services which are used by global space industry partners to deliver real-time insights directly to users. Space has become such an integral part of so many applications that we use daily, and I see opportunities for Ubotica across a whole range of different sectors. I am looking forward to working with the Ubotica teams in Ireland, The Netherlands, Canada and Spain.”
  • Fintan Buckley, Co-Founder and CEO of Ubotica Technologies, said: “With his extensive ESA network and deep understanding of the space industry, Tony brings a wealth of sector expertise to the Ubotica Technical Advisory Board, and we look forward to working with him to expand our activities in the Space sector.”